Friday, July 9, 2010

My name is Taylor. I have a closet. It is full of art.

Hello, my name is Taylor.

I know it says Lex in the little thingy over there, but that's just to confuse you. She is the one who is good at this internet business, so she set up this blog for me. In truth, she is my sister-in-law and can be found for real over at The Gringa Times.

Glad that's out of the way.

So enough about other people, let's talk about me.

This is me.

So is this.

This is my husband.

This is a self-portrait with the mustache I've always dreamed of.

I am an artist. I like acrylic paints and sewing stuffed animals. I also like robots and dinosaurs. And owls and telephones.

A telephone I screenprinted, the likes of which you may see featured at one of the stores I am about to mention.

I have a couple of stores. Here is my Etsy store. Here is my Ebay store. I would be so obliged if you would check them out! Feel free to buy things so I can buy food! And cat food!